Keynotes, papers and workshops will investigate the living relationship between teaching, research, curation, creation, production, exhibition and distribution, exploring the link between digital humanities, creative industries and digital disruption more broadly. Conference dialogue will explore new problems in the worlds of education, employment, research and development, identifying new ideas, tools and methods. Workshops will unpack new approaches to problem solving and new ways of linking infrastructure, collections, users and spaces.
We will also consider Humanities education (in formal and informal settings) that employs digital, collaborative, project-based learning, including learning that may operate at the intersection of the academy, the community and GLAM sectors. Specific pedagogic tools considered may include: virtual and augmented reality; immersive and interactive experiences and games; open platforms, social media, networks; and data analytics.
Workshops: Please note, no registration is required for the workshops.
Prefer a downloadable one? View the full program in pdf here. | #DHA2018 | 25-28 September 2018