The online program is live. Bios and abstracts may be updated by presenters at any time.
A pdf of the final program will be published on Friday 21 September. Subsequent changes will be made only to the online program. If you are using the pdf as a guide please be mindful that session details may have changed.
Registration and refreshments will be in room BH3-11 on Tuesday from 1.00-5.00 and in Kaurna Building 2-09 from 8.30-5.00 on all other days.
Through the University of South Australia, we have secured a number of organised tours showcasing significant institutions in the humanities space. Each tour is completely free for DHA 2018 attendees, but bookings are essential for some tours due to the limited spaces available. Click here for more.
Delegates can access UniSA wifi for 7 days through
Please enter “” as the person being visited and “DHA2018” as the event.
There is no need to register for workshops. However, places are limited and will be allocated on a ‘first come first served basis’, so please arrive promptly for your chosen session.
Delegates may bring presentation materials on a USB drive to be loaded ahead of each conference session. Please arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled time for your session.
Tech support
Dedicated technical support will be on hand throughout the conference. Please speak to one of the organisers in advance if you anticipate requiring any special assistance.